Where #TechIsHiring this week! - Week of Jan 24, 2022
Hello Everyone!
This is the TechIsHiring newsletter which highlights job hunting, job opportunity tweets and tweets supporting the job hunt tagged with #TechIsHiring for the previous week!
Sponsored Tweet:

Job Seeker Tweets:

Jobs Tweets:

[tweet https://twitter.com/shonique_thomas/status/1484180321876819968]

Additional Resources:
Steve Klassen hosted a Twitter Space talking about job opportunities at Crowdstrike. It's a recorded space so feel free to go back and listen to it and reach out to Steve for a referral!

Jess hosted a Twitter Space on negotiating after receiving a job offer. This is an extremely informative space in a subject that a lot of people might not have a lot of knowledge in so I encourage everyone to listen to it.

I also hosted a Twitter space about negotiating after a job offer. Both spaces give different perspectives from different types of people so I recommend listening to this one as well.

Please support TechIsHiring!
Share our newsletter with anyone looking for candidates or those looking for roles. Additionally, please follow @TechIsHiring on Twitter and tweet with the hashtag #TechIsHiring if you have job opportunities or are looking for opportunities yourself and you may be featured in this newsletter!
If you have any feedback, feel free to send a message to @TechIsHiring or @Chad_R_Stewart on Twitter or email us at techishiring@gmail.com.