Where #TechIsHiring this week! - Week of Dec 27
Happy Holidays Subscribers!
Welcome to the TechIsHiring Newsletter! This is where we highlight jobs and job seekers of the past week as well as additional resources to help with your job search.
Special Note: @Walkin_Holiidae on Twitter made a great observation over the past week. There will be a hiring boom starting in January as companies start their new budgets. This is a great time to start your job search!
List of Job Seeker Tweets:

List of Jobs Tweets:

Additional Resources:
@noCSdegree is a great resource for new Engineers and those who come from a nontraditional background who wish to beef up their skills with a more formal CS education. They also have a job board for jobs that do not require a CS degree. Most definitely recommend exploring this resource!
@teneikaask_you created a Twitter thread on ways to get into tech. The tweet was some time ago and I've only recently come across this but I thought this thread was amazing and I wanted to share it with everyone!

Please support TechIsHiring!
Share our newsletter with anyone looking for candidates or those looking for roles. Additionally, please follow @TechIsHiring on Twitter and tweet with the hashtag #TechIsHiring if you have job opportunities or are looking for opportunities yourself and you may be featured in this newsletter!
If you have any feedback, feel free to send a message to @TechIsHiring or @Chad_R_Stewart on Twitter or email us at techishiring@gmail.com.