Where #TechIsHiring this week! - Week of Febuary 6, 2023
Hello Everyone!
This is the TechIsHiring newsletter which highlights job hunting, job opportunity tweets and tweets supporting the job hunt tagged with #TechIsHiring for the previous week!
If you'd like to contribute directly to TechIsHiring's operation, please support us through Patreon!
Sponsored Tweets:

Let's start a job hunt resources thread!
So instead of just job opportunities, let's also collect job hunting resources add it to this thread as well.
Let's help those impacted by all the layoffs this week back on their feet!

Just wanted to give a shout out to Ade Inetimi (@mcbsrbie_a) for updating the @TechIsHiring website!
She was an absolute joy to work with and would be an asset to any team as a Product Designer!
Check out TechIsHirings Figma for her work: figma.com/file/AHf38Z5LQ…

Job Seeker Tweets:

Hello Twitter! I am urgently looking for job offer.
I am Flutter Developer who specializes in developing app architecture, UI components, integrating apis 💻
Contact me: nehal.jaisalmeria14@gmail.com
Discord: Nehal#3229
Or DM me.
RT's appreciated 🙏😊

Hello 👋 I’m currently on the job market for a web developer role, I’d love to stay in the web3 space but open to any interesting companies doing interesting things. I have former experience @evaluatexyz @Tesla @Ticketmaster
Feel free to DM me.

Hey! I'm a London-based creative / front-end developer and I'm looking for new work 😄
I love solving complicated problems, anything maths heavy, and learning new things.
I'm experienced with Vue.js, React, Three.js, and much more than I can fit in a tweet.
My DMs are open! 🕺

Looking for shiny fresh ideas, or new perspectives, hire me for your next project or to join your team.
Have a look at my portfolio, or ask for my Résumé.
01 - linkedin.com/in/precious-ad…
02 -

Hey everyone, I am looking for #internships in the #USA for Summer 2023.
I am looking for Web Dev (Full Stack), Network Engineer/Researcher and SDE roles.
Do reach out if you have any opportunities or know of any opportunities! My DMs are open.
#WebDev #ComputerNetworking #SDE

Jobs Tweets:

This Company is Hiring and Willing to sponsor visa for relocation to 🇫🇮🇸🇪🇧🇪🇩🇪.
Job roles:
📌Cloud engineer:solita.fi/positions/clou…
📌Data Engineer:solita.fi/positions/data…
📌Data Consultant.(Power BI & Tableau):solita.fi/positions/expe…
Other roles:solita.fi/en/careers/?ut…
Tag & RT

I'm still searching for a founding engineer role🧐
A few things to know about me:
- I do my best work when given a blank canvas
- I love building for developers (and designers)
- My ideal team size is 1-3 engineers
If you have a need for that, would love to hear from you!

Austin Malerba @austin_malerba

Any of my Python friends looking for a new role? There's a job opening where I used to work and I love that team so much.
DMs are open!

Hello! I am looking for a backend software engineer to join our team at CZero. You must have 2+ years of experience building integrations for a platform team. I favor engineers who have experience writing B2B payment integrations.

Hi Twitter! I am currently working on a Programmer Analyst I role. If you’re qualified and interested please dm me.
$80k- $115k +
Remote (US only)
1-2 years of experience required
Experience w/ banking core
Degree preferred

Need to hire someone with Supreme Mastery of Wix and Webflow
Ping my dms aggressively with Portfolio of work or hit me directly at
Plus points if you also know HTML and CSS deeply (I got endless work I’d rather not do)

Hiring a remote (UK) Back-End Engineer, growing into a senior role @Pub_Discovery, building application back-end, data pipelines & automation, some MLOps in medium term. See: techfolk.co.uk/job/backend-an… #Pythonjobs #Nodejsjobs #backendjobs #remotejobs #hiring #jobs #vacancy

@unusual_whales My teams are growing through this uncertainty. Developers looking to make an impact at a growing health care startup DM me. AWS, React/ React Native, Typescript.

MasterBorn is hiring for the following roles. You will work (in the Polish time zone!):
✅Junior Product Designer
✅Junior Backend Developer (Node.js)
Apply Here:
#TechisHiring #TechTwitter #backend

iSO Sr SDE’s, 4+ yrs, any lang for roles at US Fintech. US, remote. Over 150 positions coming. #technology #TechisHiring #BlackTechTwitter #TechTwitter

Tasha Tech Sourcer/trained Dev @techy_mum

A few open roles on my team:
* Android Developer
* iOS Developer
* Sr Software Engineer
* Technical Community Manager
* Head of Brand and Marketing
* Executive Assistant

Additional Resources:

My good and excellent and SPICY sis @W0rldWideJess is Hosting today! And the advice/feedback is FIRE! 🔥🔥🔥
So glad I caught your Space Jess! 💜
Shoutout to @ShawnBasquiat for cohosting!

How to get a remote tech job through open source:
- Find 5-6 open-source companies that hire remotely
- Start contributing to them. Keep 5-6 active projects
- Keep going for a few months and get to know the maintainers
- Use those connections and your contributions to get a job

My friends! Want to network with fellow developers, people in tech and speak on a space? 🤝
Join us here & retweet: https://t.co/BUx0QhtIf3

Applied to hundreds of jobs & getting little response?
It’s probably your resume.
If you need a new resume, you need to reach out to @NoDegreeDotCom
I know this because Jonaed helped me. Reach out to him today!

New Technologists has a 7-week virtual summer innovation academy for freshman/sophomores to learn & build tech products of the future.
👩🏽🏫Gain exp as a SWE, Tech PM or Prod Mgr
💻Receive training byMicrosoft
💰Earn $8K
📆Starts in June
🎓Apply by Feb 6

Finding a remote job is ultimately a sales activity:
- You're selling yourself!!
As in any sales process there are two methods:
1. Hunting
2. Farming
This is what you must know 👇

It's important to highlight how your skills and experience align with the company and role during an interview. This is often a deciding factor in the hiring process, so be sure to emphasize the crossover during your preparation.

🔴Do you hate networking?
🔴Networking but not getting enough of the right interviews?
🟢Want to make networking easier and more effective so you land more interviews & offers?
Set a reminder for Thurs 5-7pm US Pacific (maybe til 8pm PT)

People on H-1B visas getting laid off have 60 days to leave the US.
Many have begun an 11 year long green card process but are 5, 10 years away from getting it.
Employer lays them off, and it’s all gone. 🙅🏼
Pack your bags.
There’s a solution nobody is talking about:

On an H-1B and want to build a startup? 🛠️
With a full time job, your visa only lets you work for one employer. 🤦♀️
Your options seem limited.
How to become a CEO without jeopardizing your H-1B, dropping your salary, or leaving the country.
I've helped 20+ people do this:
Please support TechIsHiring!
Share our newsletter with anyone looking for candidates or those looking for roles. Additionally, please follow @TechIsHiring on Twitter and tweet with the hashtag #TechIsHiring if you have job opportunities or are looking for opportunities yourself and you may be featured in this newsletter!
If you have any feedback, feel free to send a message to @TechIsHiring or @Chad_R_Stewart on Twitter or email us at techishiring@gmail.com.